Dear colleagues and students,

we kindly invite you to the Tor Vergata Astrophysics Seminar on Wednesday the 31st of March at 16:30.

Join the online seminar from browser or MS Teams App at

TITLE: Old stellar populations as a tool to understand our Galaxy's formation and evolution

SPEAKER: Dr. A. Calamida (Space Telescope Science Institute)

ABSTRACT: Old stellar populations are a fundamental tool for understanding the assembly and formation process of our Galaxy as well as of more distant similar galaxies. Different evolutionary phases such as the main sequence, the red-giant branch, and the white dwarf cooling sequence can be used to probe the properties of the oldest stellar populations in the Galaxy, and to reconstruct the formation phases of the different Galactic components, such as the bulge, the disk and the globular cluster system. In this talk I will present results on the characterization of the Galactic bulge and the globular cluster Omega Centauri stellar populations based on the study of different evolutionary phases. This work was enabled by combining photometric and spectroscopic data collected with HST and ground-based telescopes. Finally, I will describe how future facilities such as JWST will greatly enhance the study of Galactic stellar populations and help us enlighten some of the current unresolved issues.

Poster of the event is available at

Kind Regards

Tor Vergata Astrophysics Group