F. Guglietta, F. Pelusi (2024). A unified analytical prediction for steady-state behavior of confined drop with interface viscosity under shear flow. Physical Review Fluids, 9(10), 103603.
D. Simeoni, A. R. Rossi, G. Parise, F. Guglietta, M. Sbragaglia (2024). Thermal Fluid Closures and Pressure Anisotropies in Numerical Simulations of Plasma Wakefield Acceleration. Physics of Plasmas, 31(9), 093103.
D. Taglienti, F. Guglietta, and M. Sbragaglia (2024). Droplet dynamics in homogeneous isotropic turbulence with the immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method. Physical Review E, 110, 015302.
D. Simeoni, G. Parise, F. Guglietta, A. R. Rossi, J. Rosenzweig, A. Cianchi, M. Sbragaglia (2024). Lattice Boltzmann method for warm fluid simulations of plasma wakefield acceleration. Physics of Plasmas, 31(1), 013904.
F. Guglietta, F. Pelusi, M. Sega, O. Aouane and J. Harting (2023). Suspensions of viscoelastic capsules: Effect of membrane viscosity on transient dynamics. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 971, A13
F. Pelusi, F. Guglietta, M. Sega, O. Aouane and J. Harting (2023). A sharp interface approach for wetting dynamics of coated droplets and soft particles. Physics of Fluids, 35(8): 082126.
D. Taglienti, F. Guglietta and M. Sbragaglia (2023). Reduced model for droplet dynamics in shear flows at finite capillary numbers. Physical Review Fluids, 8(1), 013603.
G. Parise, A. Cianchi, A. Del Dotto, F. Guglietta, A. R. Rossi and M. Sbragaglia (2022). Lattice Boltzmann simulations of plasma wakefield acceleration. Physics of Plasmas, 29(4), 043903.
F. Guglietta, M. Behr, L. Biferale, G. Falcucci and M. Sbragaglia (2021). Lattice Boltzmann simulations on the tumbling to tank-treading transition: effects of membrane viscosity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 379(2208), 20200395.
F. Guglietta, M. Behr, G. Falcucci and M. Sbragaglia (2021). Loading and relaxation dynamics of a red blood cell. Soft Matter, 17(24), 5978-5990. ISO 690
F. Guglietta, M. Behr, L. Biferale, G. Falcucci and M. Sbragaglia (2020). On the effects of membrane viscosity on transient red blood cell dynamics. Soft Matter, 16(26), 6191-6205.