Matteo Salvato


Professor Matteo Salvato was graduated at University of Napoli “Federico II” in 1992 and soon after started his research activity in the field of Condensed Matter Physics at the Physics Department of University of Salerno working on the first Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) laboratory for superconducting thin films in Italy. Together with his group, he was the first in Italy to synthesize superconducting BSCCO and YBCO thin films by MBE eventually assisted by an ozone source that he assembled. In the same period, he was also responsible for the Morphological and Structural analysis laboratory in the same Department consisting of x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy and wavelength dispersive spectroscopy, and electron backscattering diffraction.

 In 2005 he moved at University of Roma “Tor Vergata” where he continued his activity in the field of low temperature physics but expanding his interests towards new emerging materials following the discovery of graphene. He studied the transport properties of graphene and carbon nanotubes and their application as solar cells and photodetectors. More recently, topological insulators attracted his interests for their possible application in nanoelectronics as well as for their electronic properties related to their surface structure.    

During his research activity, he collaborated with national and international laboratories and research centres both in superconductivity and nanomaterials. He is the author of more than 120 papers on international journals with referee.

He has taught the laboratory courses of the first, second and third year in Physics, supervisor of bachelor and master degree theses in Physics and Material Sciences and PhD theses in Physics.


  • “Detection of X Rays With a Fiber-Optic Interferometric Sensor”, F. Barone, U. Bernini, M. Conti, A. Del Guerra, L. Di Fiore, M. Gambaccini, R. Liuzzi, L. Milano, G. Russo, P. Russo, and Salvato, Applied Optics 32 (7), 1229 (1993).
  • “Superconducting BSCCO Thin Films Obtained by MBE”, C. Attanasio, , C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, and Salvato, Il Nuovo Cimento D, Vol. 16, N. 12, 1961 (1994).
  • “Superconducting and Structural Properties of BSCCO Thin Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Salvato, C. Attanasio, , C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, and S.L. Prischepa, Cryogenics 34, 859 (1994).
  • “Magnetic Field Dependence of Pinning Mechanisms in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x Thin Films”, Attanasio, C. Coccorese, V.N. Kushnir, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, and M. Salvato, Physica C 255, 239-246 (1995).
  • “Experimental Investigation of Pinning Potential Shape in BSCCO Thin Films”, C. Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, A.N. Lykov and Salvato, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Sup., Vol. 5, No. 2, 1359 (1995).
  • “Nb Lift-Off Procedure for Micropatterning Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+x Thin Films”, C. Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, and Salvato, J. of Appl. Phys., 77 (5), 2196 (1995).
  • “Superconducting Properties of Nb-CuMn Multilayers”, C. Attanasio, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, Salvato, B. Engel and C.M. Falco, J. of Appl. Phys., 77 (5), 2081 (1995).
  • “Current and Field Independent Dissipation in a BSCCO Superconducting Film”, Paracchini, L. Romanò, C.A. Borri, and M. Salvato, Physica C 258, 222 (1996).
  • “Superconducting and Structural properties of Nb/Pd(Mn) multilayers”, Attanasio, C.Coccorese, L.Maritato, L.V.Mercaldo, M.Salvato, A.Del Vecchio, L.Tapfer, J.Eickmann, J.M.Slaughter, C.M.Falco, Czech. J. of Phys., 46 S2, 717 (1996).
  • “Superconducting Critical Temperature Oscillations in Nb/CuMn Multilayers”,V. Mercaldo, C. Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, and M. Salvato, Phys. Rev. B 53, 14040 (1996).
  • “Temperature Scaling of the Flux Pinning Force in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x Thin Films”,L. Prischepa, C. Attanasio,  C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, F. Pourtier, and M. Salvato, J. of Appl. Phys., 79, 4228 (1996).
  • “Quantum Vortex Melting in Nb/CuMn Multilayers”, C. Attanasio, , C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, Salvato, B. Engel and C. M. Falco, Phys. Rev. B 53, 1087 (1996).
  • “Properties of YNi2B2C Superconducting Thin Films”, Vaglio, A. Andreone, C. Aruta, A. Cassinese, F. Fontana, G.W. Crabtree, M. Iavarone, Y. De Wilde, L. Maritato, C. Coccorese, M. Salluzzo, M. Salvato, Phys. Rev. B 56, 934 (1997).
  • “Flux Creep-Flux Flow Crossover in Disordered Superconductors”,N. Kushnir, C. Coccorese, S.L. Prishepa, M. Salvato, Physica C 275, 211-219 (1997).
  • “Current Dependence of Pinning Energy and Flux Dynamics in High Temperature Superconductors”, Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, M. Salluzzo, M. Salvato, S.L. Prischepa, V.N. Kushnir, and A. Varilci, IEEE Trans.on Appl. Sup., Vol.7 N. 2, 1173-1176 (1997).
  • Design of a NDE Instrumentation Prototipe With High Temperature SQUIDs” A. Barone, G. Peluso, G. Pepe, A. Ruosi, P. Buonadonna, R. Teti, M. Valentino, C. Attanasio, L. Maritato, Salvato, C. Camerlingo, S. Pagano, M. Russo, E. Sarnelli, Nuovo Cimento della Società Italiana di Fisica 19, 1495 (1997).
  • “BSCCO Thin Films Obtained by MBE Coevaporation Method”, C. Attanasio,C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, M. Salluzzo and Salvato, Il Nuovo Cimento D, Vol. 19,1041 (1998).
  • “Angular Dependence of the Upper Critical Field in Nb/CuMn Multilayers”, Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. V. Mercaldo, M. Salvato, L. Maritato, A. N. Lykov, S. L. Prischepa, C. M. Falco, Phys. Rev.B Vol 57, N.10, 6056 (1998).
  • “Vortex Properties in Superconducting Nb/Pd Multilayers”, C. Coccorese, C. Attanasio, L.V. Mercaldo, Salvato, L. Maritato, J.M. Slaughter, C.M. Falco, S.L.Prischepa, B.I. Ivlev, Phys. Rev. B Vol. 57 N.13, 7922 (1998).
  • “Critical Temperature Oscillations Dependence on Mn Concentration in Superconducting Nb/CuMn multilayers”, Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L.V. Mercaldo, S.L. Prischepa, M. Salvato, L. Maritato, Phys. Rev. B Vol. 57, 14411 (1998).
  • “Properties of Bi2+xSr2-xCuO6+d Thin Films Obtained by MBE”, Salvato, M. Salluzzo, T Di Luccio, C. Attanasio, S.L. Prischepa, and L. Maritato; Thin Solid Films 353, 227-232 (1999).
  • “Crossover From Thermally Activated to Steady Flow in the Vortex Dynamics of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x Thin Films”L. Prischepa, A. Vecchione, V.N. Kushnir, M. Salvato, A. Yu Petrov, C. Attanasio and L. Maritato, Superconducting Science and Technology 12, 533-537 (1999).
  • “Bi2Sr2CuO6+d/ACuO2 (A=Ca,Sr) Superconducting Multilayers Obtained by Molecular Beam Epitaxy” Salvato, C. Attanasio, G. Carbone, T. Di Luccio, S.L. Prischepa, R. Russo and L. Maritato, Physica C 316, 215-223 (1999).
  • “Bi-Based Superconducting Multilayers Obtained by Molecular Beam Epitaxy” Salvato, C. Attanasio, G. Carbone, T. Di Luccio, R. Russo, S.L. Prischepa, and L. Maritato, International Journal of Modern Physics B 13, 991-996 (1999).
  • “Superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CuO6+d/(Ca,Sr)CuO2 Multilayers Obtained by Molecular Beam Epitaxy” Salvato, C. Attanasio, S.L. Prischepa and L. Maritato, IEEE Trans. On Appl. Superc. 9,2006 (1999).
  • “Upper Critical Magnetic Field and Vortex Pinning in Superconducting/Spin Glass Multilayers” Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L.V. Mercaldo, M. Salvato, L. Maritato, S. L. Prischepa, C. Giannini, L. Tapfer, L. Ortega, F. Comin, Physica C 312, 112-120 (1999).
  • “Superconducting Properties of (BaCuOx)2/(CaCuO2)n Artificial Structures with Ultrathick CaCuO2 Blocks”, Balestrino, S. Lavanga, P.G. Medaglia, S. Martellucci, A. Paoletti, G. Pasquini, G. Petrocelli, A. Tebano, A.A. Varlamov, L. Mritato and M. Salvato Phys. Rev. B Vol. 62, N.14, p. 9835 (2000).
  • “Upper Critical Field and Irreversibility Line in (Bi2Sr2CuO6+d)/(CaCuO2) Superconducting Superlattices Obtained by MBE”, Salvato, C. Attanasio, G. Carbone, G. Carbone, R. Fittipaldi, T. Di Luccio, L.V. Mercaldo, A. Montella, S.L. Prischepa and L. Maritato in stampa su  International Journal of Modern Physics Vol. 14, 2767-2772 (2000).
  • Irreversibility Line in Nb/CuMn Multilayers with a Regular Array of Antidots”, C. Attanasio, T. Di Luccio, L.V. Mercaldo, S.L. Prischepa, R. Russo, Salvato, L. Maritato, S. Barbanera, and A. Tuissi, Phys. Rev. B 62,14461 (2000).
  • Anisotropy and Transport Properties of (Bi2Sr2CuO6+d)m/(CaCuO2)n Multilayers obtained by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Salvato, C. Attanasio, G. Carbone, A. Montella, T. Di Luccio, S.L. Prischepa, and L. Maritato, Physica C 341, 1903 (2000)
  • “Resistive Transition and Perpendicular Critical Magnetic Field in Perforated Nb/CuMn Multilayers” Attanasio, T. Di Luccio, L.V. Mercaldo, S.L. Prischepa, R. Russo, M. Salvato, and L. Maritato, Physica B 284-288, 618-619 (2000).
  • “Vortex Lattice Melting in Perforated Nb/(Cu-Mn) Multilayers” C. Attanasio, T. Di Luccio, L.V. Mercaldo, S.L. Prischepa, R. Russo, Salvato, and L. Maritato, Philosophical Magazine B 80, 875-882 (2000).
  • “The Resistive Anomaly and Upward Curvature of the Perpendicular Upper Critical Field in Nonhomogeneous Superconductors”, C. Attanasio, S. Barbanera, T. Di Luccio, S.L. Prischepa, R. Russo, Salvato and L. Maritato, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 13, 3215 (2001).
  • “Realization and Characterization of Tunnel Junctions Based on Nb/CuMn Multilayers” M.L. Della Rocca, C. Attanasio, G. Carapella, L.V. Mercaldo, Salvato, L. Maritato, Superc. Sci. Technol. 14, 794-797 (2001).
  • Scaling of Hc2perp (T) in Nb/CuMn Multilayers” Angrisani Armenio, L.V. Mercaldo, S.L. Prischepa, M. Salvato, C. Attanasio and L. Maritato, J. of Superconductivity 14, 411 (2001).
  • “Increase of the Critical Current at the Liquid Helium Lambda Point in Superconducting Perforated Multilayers”L. Prischepa, L.V. Mercaldo, C. Attanasio, M. Salvato, L. Maritato, S. Barbanera, Europhys. Lett. 60 (2) 295-301 (2002).
  • Tunnel Measurements on Nb/CuMn Multilayers Based Planar Junctions” M.L. Della Rocca, C. Attanasio, G. Carapella, L.V. Mercaldo, Salvato, L. Maritato Physica C 369, 317-320 (2002).
  • Tunnel Junctions Based on Superconducting/Magnetic Multilayers” L.V. Mercaldo, M.L. Della Rocca, G. Carapella, C. Attanasio, Salvato, L. Maritato, Physica C 372-376, 31-33 (2002).
  • Evidence of vortex kink formation in antidotted layered superconductors” C. Attanasio, S. Barbanera, T. Di Luccio, S.L. Prischepa, Salvato and L. Maritato, Phys. Rev. B 65, 212503 (2002).
  • “Melting of the Vortex Lattice in Perforated Nb/CuMn Multilayers” Angrisani Armenio, C. Attanasio, S. Barbanera, L. Maritato, L.V. Mercaldo, S.L. Prischepa, M. Salvato, Physica C 369, 254-257 (2002).
  • “Effect of Simmetry on the Resistive Characteristics in Proximity Coupled Metallic Multilayers” V.N. Kushnir, S.L. Prischepa, M.L. Della Rocca, Salvato, C. Attanasio, Phys. Rev. B 68, 212505 (2003).
  • “Structural and Electrical Characterization of Magnetoresistive La7Ca0.3MnO3 thin films”, A. de Santis, F. Bobba, G. Cristiani, A. Cucolo, K. Frohlich, H.U. Habermeier, M. Salvato, A. Vecchione, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 262, 150-153 (2003).
  • “High Quality Fully in situ MgB2 Thin Films Obtained by dc Magneton Sputtering”, G.Maglione, F. Chiarella, R. Di Capua, R. Vaglio, M. Salvato, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, International Journal of Modern Physics B 17, 779-784 (2003).
  • “Critical Current of MgB2 Thin Films Deposited in situ by Sputtering”L.Prischepa, M.L.Della Rocca, L.Maritato, M. Salvato, R. Di Capua, M.G.Maglione, R. Vaglio, Phys. Rev. B 67, 024512 (2003).
  • Upper Critical Fields of Nb/Pd Multilayers” C. Cirillo, S.L. Prischepa, Salvato, C. Attanasio, J. of Low Temperature Physics 130, 509 (2003).
  • Progress in Fabrication of High Quality Tantalum Film Absorber for STJ Radiation Detector” M.P. Lissitski, D. Perez de Lara, R. Cristiano, M.L. Della Rocca, L. Maritato, M Salvato Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 520, 243-245 (2004).
  • Growth and Characterization of Highly Epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7/La7Ca0.3MnO3 bilayer structures” A. De Santis, F. Bobba, M.A. Boffa, R. Caciuffo, P. Mengucci, M. Salvato, A. Vecchione, A.M. Cucolo Physica C 408-410, 48 (2004).
  • Current-Dependent Crossover in the Flux Dynamics of MgB2 Thin Films” L. Prischepa, L. Maritato, M. Salvato Europhys. Lett. 65, 540-545 (2004).
  • Interface Transparency of Nb/Pd Layered Systems” C. Cirillo, S.L. Prischepa, Salvato, C. Attanasio The European Physical Journal B 38, 59 (2004).
  • Pinning Energy and Irreversibility Line in Superconducting GdSr2RuCu2O8 Attanasio, M. Salvato, R. Ciancio, M. Gombos, S. Pace, S. Uthayakumar, A. Vecchione, Physica C 411, 126 (2004)
  • Nucleation of Superconductivity in Finite Metallic Multilayers: Effect of the Simmetry” V.N. Kushnir, S.L. Prischepa, C. Cirillo, M.L. Della Rocca, A. Angrisani Armenio, L. Maritato, Salvato and C. Attanasio, Europ. Phys. Journ. B 41, 439-444 (2004)
  • Proximity Effect in Superconductor/Highly Paramagnetic Nb/Pd Systems” C. Cirillo, S.L. Prischepa, A. Romano, Salvato and C. Attanasio, Physica C 404, 95-98 (2004).
  • Superconducting Proximity Effect and Interface Transparency in Nb/PdNi Bilayers” C. Cirillo, S.L. Prischepa, Salvato, C. Attanasio, M. Helsserberth, and J. Aarts Phys. Rev. B 72, 144511 (2005).
  • Effect of Geometrical Simmetry on the Angular Dependence of the Critical Magnetic Field in Superconductor/Normal Metal Multilayers” S.L. Prischepa, C. Cirillo, V.N. Kushnir, E.A. Ilyina , Salvato and C. Attanasio Phys. Rev. B 72, 24535 (2005).
  • YBa2Cu3O7-d/La7Ca0.3MnO3 Bilayers: Structural and Transport Properties” A. De Santis, F. Bobba, M. Salvato, A.M. Cucolo, A. Vecchione, International Journal of Mod. Phys. B 19, 491 (2005).
  • “Interface transparency and proximity effect in Nb/Cu triple layers realized by sputtering and molecular beam epitaxy” Tesauro, A. Aurigemma, C. Attanasio, C. Cirillo, S.L. Prischepa, M. Salvato Superc. Sci. Technol. 18,1-8 (2005).
  • “Metal-insulating transition temperature enhancement in La7Ca0.3MnO3 Thin FilmsM.Salvato, A. Vecchione, A. De Santis, F. Bobba, A.M. Cucolo J. Of Appl. Phys. 97, 103712 (2005).
  • “Thickness Dependence of Pinning Mechanisms in Granular Nb Thin Films” L. Prischepa, D. Montemurro, C. Cirillo, C. Attanasio, M. Salvato, V. Merlo, A.N. Lykov, A.Yu. Tsvetkov Superc. Sci. Technol. 19, 1124 (2006).
  • “Activation Energy in La7Ca0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 Superconducting Trilayers” M. Salvato, F. Bobba, G. Calabrese, C. Cirillo, A. M. Cucolo, A. De Santis, A. Vecchione, C. Attanasio European Physics Journ.  B 51, 79 (2006).
  • “Growth of diborides thin films on different substrates by pulsed laser ablation” Ferrando, C.Tarantini, P.Manfrinetti, I.Pallecchi, M.Salvato and C.Ferdeghini Thin Solid Films 515, 1439 (2006).
  • Transport Properties of Nb/PdNi bilayers” C. Cirillo, S.L. Prischepa, Salvato and C. Attanasio, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67, 412 (2006).
  • “Electron Spectroscopy Study in the NbN growth for NbN/AlN interface”, Lucci, S. Sanna, N. Zema, V. Merlo, M. Salvato, H.N. Thanh, I. Davoli Surface Science 601, 2647 (2007).
  • Charge Transport and Tunneling in Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Salvato, M. Cirillo, M. Lucci, S. Orlanducci, I. Ottaviani, M.L. Terranova, F. Foschi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 246804 (2008).
  • Integrating Superconductive and Optical Circuits Stella, M. Casalboni, M. Cirillo, V. Merlo, C. Palazzesi, G. Pepe, P. Prosposito, and M. Salvato, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 202505 (2008).
  • “Surface and Structural Disorder in MBE and Sputtering Deposited Cu Thin Films Revealed by X-Ray Measurements”, Salvato, A. Aurigemma, A. Tesauro, C. Attanasio, Vacuum 82, 556-560 (2008).
  • Collective Cavity Mode Excitations in Arrays of Josephson Junctions” I.Ottaviani, M.Cirillo, M.Lucci, V. Merlo, Salvato, M.G.Castellano, G.Torrioli, F.Mueller, T.Weimann Phys. Rev. B 80,174518 (2009).
  • "Low Temperature Conductivity of Carbon Nanotube Aggregates" Salvato, M. Lucci, I. Ottaviani, M. Cirillo, S.Orlanducci, E.Tamburri, V.Guglielmotti, F.Toschi, M.L.Terranova, M.Pasquali J. Phys. Condens. Matter 23, 475302 (2011).
  • "Effect of Potassium Doping on Electrical properties of Carbon nanotube Fibers" Salvato, M. Lucci, I. Ottaviani, M. Cirillo, E. Tamburri, I. Cianchetta, V. Guglielmotti, S. Orlanducci, M.L. Terranova, M. Pasquali Phys. Rev. B 84, 233406 (2011).
  • "Carbon Nanotubes Guides for Nickel Electrical Interconnects" Orlanducci, E. Tamburri, V. Guglielmotti, F. Toschi, M.L. Terranova, M. Lucci, I. Ottaviani, M. Salvato, M. Cirillo, IEEE Trans. on Nanotech. Vol. 10, Issue 4, pg764 ISSN: 1536-125X (2011).
  • "Occurrence of a High Temperature Superconducting Phase in (CaCuO2)n/(SrTiO3)m Superlattices” Di Castro, M. Salvato, A. Tebano, D. Innocenti, C. Aruta, W. Prellier, O.I. Lebedev, I. Ottaviani, N.B. Brookes, M. Minola, M. Moretti Sala, C. Mazzoli, P.G. Medaglia, G. Ghiringhelli, L. Braicovich, M. Cirillo, G. Balestrino  Phys. Rev. B. 86,134524(2012).
  • Transport Mechanism in Granular Ni Deposited on Carbon Nanotubes Fibers Salvato, M. Lucci, I. Ottaviani, M. Cirillo, E. Tamburri, S. Orlanducci, M.L. Terranova, M. Notarianni, C.C. Young, N. Behabtu, M. Pasquali Phys. Rev. B 86, 115117 (2012).
  • "Macroscopic Effects of Tunneling Barriers in Nanotube Bundles Aggregates" Salvato, M. Cirillo, M. Lucci, S. Orlanducci, I. Ottaviani, M.L. Terranova, F. Toschi, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys 45, 105306 (2012).
  • "Weak Localization and Dimensional Crossover in Carbon Nanotube Systems" Salvato, M. Lucci, I. Ottaviani, M. Cirillo, S. Orlanducci, F. Toschi, M.L. Terranova Eur. Phys. J. B 85, 109 (2012).
  • Superconducting Anisotropy in (CaCuO2)n/(SrTiO3)m Superlattices Salvato, I. Ottaviani, M. Lucci, M. Cirillo, D. Di Castro, D. Innocenti, A. Tebano, G. Balestrino J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 335702 (2013).
  • Superconductive Nb Films Coating Carbon Nanotube Fibers Salvato, M. Lucci, I. Ottaviani, M. Cirillo, N. Behabtu, C.C. Young, M. Pasquali, A. Vecchione, R. Fittipaldi, V. Corato Superconductor Science And Technology 27 (11) 115006 (2014).
  • Characterization of Thick film of Copper Electrodeposited for Cryogenic Applications” Fava, M. Lucci, D. Faso, A. Luzzi, M. Salvato, A. Vecchione, R. Fittipaldi, I. Ottaviani, I.Colantoni, M. Tomellini, I. Davoli J. of Electrochemical Society 161 (10) D540-D545 (2014).
  • On Bose-Einstein Condensation in Josephson Junctions Star Graph Arrays” M. Lorenzo, M. Lucci, V. Merlo, I. Ottaviani, Salvato, M. Cirillo, F. Müller, T. Weimann, M. G. Castellano, F. Chiarello, G. Torrioli Phys. Lett. A 378, 655 (2014).
  • Characterization of Anomalous Pair Currents in Josephson Junction Networks” I. Ottaviani, M. Lucci, R. Menditto, V. Merlo, Salvato, M. Cirillo, F. Mueller, T. Weimann, M.G. Castellano, F. Chiarello, G. Torrioli, R. Russo J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 26, 215701 (2014).
  • Anisotropic Properties of Single Superconducting CaCuO2/SrTiO3 Interface Salvato, G. Tieri, G. Balestrino, D. Di Castro Superconductor Science and Technology 28, 095012 (2015).
  • Hybrid Superconducting Neutron Detectors” V.Merlo, Salvato, M.Cirillo, M.Lucci, I.Ottaviani, A.Scherillo, G. Celentano, A Pietropaolo Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 113502 (2015).
  • “Superconducting Thermal Neutron Detectors” Merlo, A. Pietropaolo, G. Celentano, M. Cirillo, M. Lucci, I. Ottaviani, M. Salvato, A. Scherrillo, E.M. Schooneveld, A. Vannozzi J. of Phys.: Conference Series 746, 012019 (2016).
  • Superconducting Properties of Non-Centrosymmetric Nb18Re0.82 Thin Films Probed by Transport and Tunneling Experiments” C. Cirillo, G. Carapella, M. Salvato, R. Arpaia, M. Caputo, C. Attanasio Phys. Rev. B 94, 104512 (2016).
  • "Transport Properties in Aggregates of Nb Nanowires Templated by Carbon Nanotube Films" Salvato, C. Cirillo, R. Fittipaldi, S.L. Prischepa, A. Vecchione, F. De Ncola, P. Castrucci, M. De Crescenzi, M. Scarselli and C. Attanasio, Carbon 105, 544-550 (2016).
  • "Record efficiency of air stable multi-walled carbon nano tube/silicon solar cells", F. De Nicola, M.Salvato, C. Cirillo, M. Crivellari, M. Boscardin, M. Scarselli, F. Nanni, I. Cacciotti, M. De Crescenzi, P. Castrucci, Carbon 101, 226-234 (2016).
  • Meta-Material for Nuclear Prticles Detection” V. Merlo, Salvato, M. Lucci, I. Ottaviani, M. Cirillo, A. Scherrillo, E.M. Schooneveld, A. Vannozzi, G. Celentano and A. Pietropaolo, J. of Phys. D, Appl. Phys. 50, 045601 (2017).
  • 100% internal quantum efficiency in polychiral single walled carbon nanotube bulk heterojunction/silicon solar cells” F. De Nicola, Salvato, C. Cirillo, M. Crivellari, M. Boscardin, M. Passacantando, M. Nardone, F. De Matteis, N. Motta, M. De Crescenzi, P. Castrucci Carbon 114, 402 (2017).
  • "Single walled carbon nanotube/Si heterojunctions for high responsivity photodetectors" Salvato, M. Scagliotti, M. De Crescenzi, M. Crivellari, P. Prosposito, I. Cacciotti and P. Castrucci, Nanotechnology 28, 435201 (2017).
  • NbN Superconducting Nanonetwork Fabricated Using Porous Silicon Templates and High Resolution Electron Beam Lithography Salvato, R. Bagdhadi, C. Cirillo, S.L. Prischepa, A.L. Dolgiy, V.P. Bodarenko, F. Lombardi, C. Attanasio, Nanotechnology 28, 465301 (2017).
  • Raman investigation of air stable silicene nanosheets on an inert graphite surface” Castrucci, F. Fabbri, T. Delise, M. Scarselli, M. Salvato, S. Pascale, R. Francini, I. Berbezier, C. Lechner, F. Jardali, H. Vach, M. De Crescenzi Nano Research (2018).
  • “Influence of the contact geometry on single walled carbon nanotube/Si photodetectors” M. Scagliotti, Salvato, M. De Crescenzi, M. Boscardin and P. Castrucci, Applied Nanoscience 8, 1053-1058 (2018)
  • “Increasing efficiency in single walled carbon nanotubes/n-Si photodetectors by voltage doping, Salvato, M. Scagliotti, M. De Crescenzi, M. Crivellari, R. Messi, P. Castrucci, IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology 17, 837-840 (2018) DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2018.2844167.
  • “Scanning tunneling microscopy and Raman evidences of silicene nanosheets intercalated into graphite surface at room temperature” Kupchak, F.Fabbri, M.De Crescenzi, M.Scarselli, M.Salvato, T.Delise, I.Berbezier, O.Pulci, and P.Castrucci, Nanoscale DOI:10.1039/C9NR00343F (2019)
  • “Time response in single walled carbon nanotube/Si based photodetectors” Salvato, M. Scagliotti, M. De Crescenzi, M. Boscardin, C. Attanasio, G. Avallone, C. Cirillo, P. Prosposito, F. De Matteis, R. Messi and P. Castrucci, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 292, 71-76 (2019) doi: 10.1016/j.sna.2019.04.004
  • “2D carbon material/silicon heterojunctions for fast response self-powered photodetector” Scagliotti, M. Salvato, M.De Crescenzi, P.Castrucci, N.G.Kovalchuk, I.V.Komissarov, S.L.Prischepa, D.Catone, L. Di Mario, M.Boscardin, M.Crivellari, International Journal of Nanoscience (2019) doi: 10.1142/S0219581X1940088X.
  • “Silicene nanostructures grown on graphene covered SiC (0001) substrate”Berbezier, A.Michon, P. Castrucci, M.Scarselli, M.Salvato, M.Scagliotti, M De Crescenzi, International Journal of Nanoscience (2019) doi: 10.1142/S0219581X19400398.
  • “Femtosecond light pulse response of photodetectors based on graphene/n-Si heterojunctions” Scagliotti, M. Salvato, M. De Crescenzi, N.G. Kovalchuk, I.V. Komissarov, S.L. Prischepa, D. Catone, L. Di Mario, M. Boscardin, M. Crivellari, P. Castrucci, Carbon 152, 643-651 (2019) doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2019.06.051
  • “High graphene permeability for room temperature silicon deposition: the role of defects”, Ronci, S.Colonna, R.Flammini; M.De Crescenzi; M.Scarselli; M.Salvato, I.Berbezier, F. Jardali, C.Lechner, P.Pochet, H.Vach, Carbon 158, 631-641 (2020)
  • Stoichiometric Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator Ultra-Thin Films Obtained Through a New Fabrication Process for Optoelectronic Applications”, Salvato, M. Scagliotti, M. De Crescenzi, P. Castrucci, F. De Matteis, M. Crivellari, S. Pelli Cresi, D. Catone, T. Bauch, F. Lombardi, Nanoscale 12, 12405-12415 (2020) DOI: 10.1039/d0nr02725a.
  • “Topological Insulator nanoribbon Josephson junctions: evidence for size effect in transport properties” Kunakova, A. P. Surendran, D. Montemurro, M. Salvato, D. Golubev, J. Andzane, D. Erts, T. Bauch, F. Lombardi, J. of Appl. Phys. 128, 194304 (2020) DOI: 10.1063/5.0022126
  • “Large area, high responsivity, fast and broadband graphene/n-Si photodetector" Scagliotti, M. Salvato, M. De Crescenzi, N. Mishra, F. Fabbri, V. Mišeikis, C. Coletti, D. Catone, L. Di Mario, M. Boscardin, P. Castrucci. Nanotechnology 32, 155504 (2021).
  • “Carbon Nanotube Film/Silicon Heterojunction Photodetector for New Cutting-Edge Technological Devices” Mattia Scagliotti, Matteo Salvato, Federico Frezza, Daniele Catone, Lorenzo Di Mario, Maurizio Boscardin, Maurizio De Crescenzi, Paola Castrucci Applied Science 11, 606 (2021).
  • “High Mobility ambipolar magnetotransport in topological insulator Bi2Se3 nanoribbons” Gunta Kunakova, Thilo Bauch, Jana Andzane, Xavier Palermo, Matteo Salvato, Donats Erts, and Floriana Lombardi Physical Review Applied 16, 024038 (2021)
  • “All-chemical YBCO-based architecture asing a simplified multilayer buffer deposition” Campagna, L. Piperno, V. Pinto, A. Augieri, A. Rufooni, A. Mancini, A. Angrisan Armenio, A. Masi, F. Rizzo, M. Salvato, G. Celentano, A. Vannozzi IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconuctivity D.O.I. 10.1109/TASC.2022.3145300 (2022).
  • “Silicene nanosheets intercalated in epitaxial graphene on a 4H-SiC (0001) substrate” Filippo Fabbri, Manuela Scarselli, Naveen Shetty, Sergey Kubatkin, Samuel Lara-Avila, Mathieu Abel, Isabelle Berbezier, Holger Vach, Matteo Salvato, Maurizio De Crescenzi and Paola Castrucci. Surfaces and Interfaces 33, 102262 (2022)
  • “Nanometric moiré stripes on the surface of Bi2Se3 topological insulator”, Salvato, M. De Crescenzi, M. Scagliotti, P. Castrucci, S. Boninelli, G. M. Caruso, Yi Liu, A. Mikkelsen, R. Timm, S. Nahas, A. Black-Shaffer, G. Kunakova, J. Andzane, D. Erts, T. Bauch, F. Lombardi. ACSNano 2022.




Articles on books and refereed proceedings:

  • “BSCCO Thin Films Made by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Technique”, C. Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, and Salvato, Modern Technology of Hybrid Microcircuits Including Superconducting Electronics, Naroch, Belarus, p. 17 (1994).
  • “Flux Motion in HTSC: The Role of Washboard-Type Pinning Potential”, C. Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, and Salvato, Proceedings of Non Linear Superconducting Devices and High Tc Materials, Capri, Italy, 75(1994)
  • “Spatially non Linear Pinning Potential in BSCCO Films”, C. Attanasio, L. Maritato, Salvato, A.N. Lykov, S.L. Prischepa, and S.V. Zhdanovitch, Critical Current in Superconductors, H. W. Weber Editors, pag. 280, World Scientific, (1994).
  • “Experimental and Analytical Study of Pinning Mechanisms in High-Temperature Superconductors”, Attanasio, C. Coccorese, V.N. Kushnir, L. Maritato, S.L. Prischepa, and M. Salvato, Institute of Physics Conference Series, No. 148, 299 (1995).
  • “A new Project on Nondestructive Evaluation with High Temperature SQUIDs”, G. Peluso, G. Pepe, A Ruosi, P. Buonadonna, R. Teti, M. Valentino, U. Klein, C. Attanasio, L. Maritato, Salvato, C. Camerlingo, S. Pagano, M. Russo, E. sarnelli, M. Prencipe, Proceedings of the QNDE Conference, Brunwick, ME, USA, (1996).
  • “Pinning Forces in Superconducting Nb/Pd and Nb/CuMn Multilayers”, C. Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, L.V. Mercaldo, Salvato, S.L. Prischepa, Institute of Physics Conference Series  N. 158 Ed. by H. Rogalla and D.H.A. Blank, pag.400 (1997).
  • Structural and superconducting properties of MBE-grown Bi2Sr2Cu1O6+x thin films”, Attanasio, C. Coccorese, T. Di Luccio, L. Maritato, L. Mercaldo, M. Salvato, S. L. Prishepa, Institute of Physics Conference Series N. 158 Ed. by H. Rogalla and D.H.A. Blank, pag.205 (1997).
  • “Superconducting properties of Nb/CuMn multilayers”, Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, L. Mercaldo, M.Salvato, “Fluctuation Phenomena in High Temperature Superconductors”, M. Ausloos and A. A. Varlamov eds., NATO ASI Series, High Technology, vol. 32, 415, Kluwer Academic Publisher, (1997).
  • “Dimensional Crossovers in Superconductor - Spin Glass Nanostructures” S. L. Prischepa, C. Attanasio, C. Coccorese, L. Maritato, Salvato, A.N. Lykov, Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures, pp.102-105, (1997).
  • HTc SQUID for non-destructive evaluation” Pagano, E. Sarnelli, E. Camerlingo, A. Monaco, M. Russo, G. Peluso, G. pepe, A. Ruosi, M. Valentino, R. Teti, P. Buonadonna, L. Maritato, M. Salvato, M. Prencipe Electromagnetic Non Destructive Evaluation Book Series Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Vol. 14, pag 206-215, Ed. R. Albanese, G. Rubinacci, T. Tajagi, SS. Udpa (1998).
  • “Transport Properties of (Bi2Sr2CuO6+d)m/(CaCuO2)n Multilayers Obtained by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Salvato, S.L. Prischepa, C. Attanasio, G. Carbone, T. Di Luccio, A. Montella, and L. Maritato, J. of Phys. Conf. Ser. No 167, Vol.1, pag. 927 (1999).
  • “Surface Nanostructure of MBE Grown YBa2Cu3O7-x Salvato, S.L. Prischepa, C. Attanasio, T. Di Luccio and L. Maritato Physics, Chemistry and Nanostructures, Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting 99, Ed. V.E. Borisenko, A.B. Filonov, S.V. Gaponenko, V.S. Gurin, pag.156 (1999).
  • “Aluminium Superconducting Tunnel Junction as X-Ray Detector: Technological aspects and Phonon Decoupling from the Substrate”, M. Lisitskii, E. Esposito, L. Frunzio, D. Perez de Lara, C. Nappi, R. Cristiano, L. Li, D.E. Prober, G. Angloher, M. Huber, Salvato, G. Carbone, Proceedings on Ninth International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors Ed. F. Scott Porter, Dan McCammon, M. Galeazzi, C.K. Stahle, Vol 605, pag. 157-160 (2002).
  • Progress in fabrication of high quality Tantalum film absorber for STJ radiation detector”, M.P.Lissitski, D. Perez de Lara, R.Cristiano, M.L.Della Rocca, L.Maritato, Salvato, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 520, Issues 1-3, 11 March, Pages 243-245 (2004).
  • “Fabrication and Characterization of Superconducting MgB2 Thin Films In Situ Grown by dc Magneton Sputtering”Di Capua, A.Andreone, A.Cassinese, F.Chiariella, E. Di Gennaro, G. Lamura, M.G.Maglione, L.Maritato, S.L.Prischepa, M.Salluzzo, M.Salvato and R.Vaglio, Proceedings in Frontiers in Superconductivity Research, Ed. Barry P. Martins (2004).
  • “Multilayered Against Monolayered Behaviour in Proximity Coupled Superconducting Nanostructures” L. Prischepa, E.A. Ilyina and V. N. Kushnir C. Cirillo, M. Salvato and C. Attanasio, Physics, Chemistry and Nanostructures, Reviews and Short Notes to  Nanomeeting ‘05 Ed. V.E. Borisenko, (2005).
  • “Resistive transitions in external magnetic field in LA7Ca0.3MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7 layered nanostructures” C. Attanasio, G. Calabrese, C. Cirillo, A.M. Cucolo, A. De Santis, F. Bobba, M. Salvato, Physics, Chemistry and Nanostructures, Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting ’05, Ed. V.E. Borisenko, (2005).
  • Improvement of the Homo Biepitaxial YBCO Film Fabrication Process on Yttrium Stabilized Zirconia” M.P Lisitzkiy, C.Camerlingo, Salvato, A.Vecchione, M.Russo, J. of Physics: Conferences Series 43, 276, pp.1135-1138 (2006).
  • Deposition and Characterization of Niobium Thin Films for SRF Cavity Application” L. Catani, A. Cianchi, D. Di Giovenale, J.Lorkiewicz, V.Merlo, R.Polini, C.Granata, R. Russo, M.J. Sadowski, Salvato, P.Strzyzewski, S.Tazzari, Proceedings on EUROCON 2007 International Conference on Computer as a Tool, 4400658, p.1170-1177 (2007).
  • “Transport Properties in SW and MW Carbon Nanotube Bundles” Salvato, M. Cirillo, M. Lucci, S. Orlanducci, I.Ottaviani, M.L.Terranova, F.Toschi Proceedings on IEEE NANO 2009 Genova, Italy July 26-30 INVITED PAPER Vol. CFP09NAN-CDR, ISBN: 978-981-08-3694-8 (RPS) pag.1089 (2009).
  • “Design and Test of Silicon Photonics Mach-Zender Interferometers for Data Transmission Applications” Badoni, R. Gunnella, A. Salamon, V. Bonaiuto, V. Liberali, G. Salina, F. De Matteis, A. Mai, M. Salvato, L. Colavecchi, G. Paoluzzi, F. Sargeni, G. Di Giuseppe, P. Prosposito, A. Stabile, L. Frontini, P. Steglich Proceedings of 2020 Italian Conference on Optics and Photonics, ICOP 2020 A.N. 9300319
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