Simone Brozzesi

Dottorando in Fisica - XXXVI ciclo

Simone Brozzesi was born in Rome in 1993, and in 2012 he graduated at Liceo Scientifico "Bertrand Russell" in Rome. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Materials Science at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" in 2017 with a experimental thesis supervised by Prof. Dr. Ivan Davoli and Dr. Emanuele Sbardella held the Italian Space Agency (ASI). He gained his Master's degree in Materials Science and Technology cum laude at the University of Rome " Tor Vergata" in 2020 with a thesis in Computational Materials Science supervised by Prof. Dr. Olivia Pulci and Prof. Dr. Maurizia Palummo and titled "Ab-initio study of Graphene/BN heterostructure". Since 2020 he has been a PhD student in Physics, member of the Condensed Matter Theory research group and Young Researcher at the ETSF. He is the winner of an Erasmus+ Scholarship at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in 2018 and of two CINECA ISCRA grants. in 2021 and 2022.

  • Hogan, C., Lechifflart, P., Brozzesi, S., Voronovich-Solonevich, S., Melnikov, A., Flammini, R., ... & Holtgrewe, K. (2021). Theoretical study of stability, epitaxial formation, and phase transformations of two-dimensional pnictogen allotropes. Physical Review B104(24), 245421.
  • Brozzesi, S., Attaccalite, C., Buonocore, F., Giorgi, G., Palummo, M., & Pulci, O. (2022). Ab Initio Study of Graphene/hBN Van der Waals Heterostructures: Effect of Electric Field, Twist Angles and pn Doping on the Electronic Properties. Nanomaterials12(12), 2118.


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