LM in Physics: Fundamental Interactions and Experimental Techniques

Master in Physics
120 ECTS
Free Access
Duration: 2 year
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1 00133 Rome
Language: English

The Curriculum in Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Experimental Techniques of the Master in Physics is a research-oriented course of study that offer students wide possibilities to specialize in all areas of particle, astro-particle, nuclear physics and particle and radiation detector R&D.

The programme offers a broad solid base on all fundamental forces and their interaction mechanisms. Thesis topics will allow further specialisation in the area of choice.

1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester

Mathematical Methods for Physics

Quantum Field Theory

Laboratory of Fundamental Interactions

Master Thesis

Particle Physics Astroparticle Physics Free Choice from List 1-2
Nuclear and Hadronic Physics


Free Choice from List 1-2 / Project 

Free Choice from List 1

Free Choice from List 2

Master Thesis

Advanced English/Italian

Free Choice from List 2



The MSc in Physics of Fundamental Interactions and Experimental Techniques addresses new discoveries concerning the fundamental constituents of matter and space-time and their interactions.

The programme pays special attention to the traditional elementary particle and nuclear physics, as well as the more recent interactions with gravitational physics (waves) and particles of astronomical sources. The course prepares for the international job market with an advanced scientific background as well as for PhD positions at international level.

Admission Requirements:

Bachelor's degree in Physics or in a related subject with at least three years of study and at least 180 ECTS Credits (conversion rule of thumb for non-EU applicants: 1 ECTS = 30 hours of study).

List of suggested courses of choice:

List 1 - CFU 6 or otherwise indicated – First Semester

Advanced Statistics 

Computational Physics 

Particle Accelerators for science and interdisciplinary applications

Space Instruments 

Quantum Mechanics

Materials Science 

Advanced Particle Physics


Gravitational Waves 

Ionising Radiation for Medical Physics 

Physics of Energy and the Environment

Courses in Italian but may be taught in English upon request


Teorie Relativistiche e Supergravità 

Fisica dei Plasmi 

Meccanica Statistica 2 

Materiali e Fenomeni a Basse Temperature 

Fisica delle Particelle Elementari 2 

Teoria dei Sistemi a Molti Corpi 

List 2 - CFU 6 – Second Semester

Gravitational Physics

Statistical Data Analysis

Optimization and Statistical Mechanics 

Complex and Neural Networks 

Nuclear Sciences and Applications 

Neutron Physics and Neutron Instrumentation

Corses in Italian may be taught in English upon request.

Fisica del Neutrone e Applicazioni 

Metodologie Sperimentali per la Ricerca dei Processi Rari 


The "Project" in the 3rd Semester can be used for an internship in a Research centre or in a Private company. Similarly the Master thesis can be carried out outside the Department.

More information can be retrieved by contacting the course coordinator.